Financial Information

Financial Information


In the Inveo ecosystem, we are strengthening our financial position with the ability to create value, effective risk management, strong working capital management and successful investment management for all stakeholders.

Summary Financial Information

We have maintained our healthy and sustainable financial structure with the completion of our investments that we have laid the foundations for in recent years. You can see our summary financial information of the past 5 years in the table below.


          Financials with Inflation Accounting Applied
Milyon TL 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Financial Status          
Financial Investments 118,6 202,9 768,5 1.189,6 6.532,7 7.631,7 9.120,9
Total Assets 118,6 205,6 771,2 1.224,3 7.102,3 7.656,9 9.131,04
Short Term and Long Term Liabilities 54,7 57,9 66,0 59,0 1.813,5 1.354,5 1.270,92
Equity 63,9 147,7 705,2 1.165,4 5.288,8 6.302,5 7860,11
Operating Profit (Loss) 35,8 108,8 568,2 344,9 3.494,3 3.389,4 1.420,7
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period 25,2 83,8 537,9 327,1 2.030,9 1.123,2 1.428,75
Total Liabilities /
Total Equity
86% 39% 9% 5% 34% 21% 16%
Return on Equity 39% 57% 76% 28% 38% 18% -18%
Return on Assets 21% 41% 70% 27% 29% 15% -16%


Credit Rating

JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Inveo Yatırım Holding AŞ in the category of very high investment grade, and its Long Term National Rating is AA-(Tr), its Short Term National Rating is J1+ (Tr) and its outlook is 'Stable ' has been preserved.

Long Term International Foreign and Local Currency Ratings and outlooks have been determined in line with the country ceiling 'BB/Stable' international ratings and outlooks.


2022 2021
  Long Short Long Short
Foreign Currency BB J3 BB+ B
Local Currency BB J3 BB+ B
Appearance Stable Stable Negative Negative
National Note  AA-(tr) J1+(tr) AA-(Trk) A-1+(Trk)
Appearance Stabil Stabil Stabil Stabil
Issue Note AA-(tr) J1+(tr) AA-(Trk) A-1+(Trk)